CrossFit Classes
CrossFit Kirkwood Class Schedule
So why CrossFit?
This is a fantastic way to build strength as well as conditioning in just an hour long class. As we get older, strength, cardiovascular conditioning, balance, grip strength, flexibility are critical. CrossFit is great to start at any age because everything can be modified and scaled.

What does a CrossFit class look like?
All CrossFit classes are trainer led and begin with a warm up which includes getting the body ready for movement as well as practicing skills that are in that day’s programming. Following the warm up is strength and accessory work (this could be a lift, gymnastic work, or various accessory exercises). We then move into the WOD (workout of the day). This is the conditioning part of class where you’ll get the heart rate pumping.

Can I get hurt doing Crossfit?
You can get hurt walking out to the mailbox if you’re not paying attention. In the gym, it’s about learning the form before adding weight, knowing your body and personal limitations and asking for help. Consistency in the gym allows you to learn about your body as well as dial in the movements. We are here to help you move correctly, determine weights and/or modifications every class, and push you when you need it.